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PUFTA kids! Us and our mates at school!

There are all kinds of students at PUFTA - here's just a few of them that we know

Zack DuPois

This is Zack - he's an "Acting Temple'. Which basically means he is well good at pretending.


Zack's in our play and that and we think he's brilliant. We're not sure what he thinks of us. Everyone thought he was going to win the PUFTA Prize but we did - that must have been a bit embarressing for him - not being the best an all that!

That's all three of us together! The three hamigos - that's what they say in Mexico and that!


Ellie's obviously saying something well important!


This one is Danny. He is from Canadia and sometimes he just says one word over and over and over!


It's a shame when people dont have the proper vocabularly to exasperate themselves with.


But he is a well good actor and that and he loves doing all them classical plays like The Scarlet Pimple - he was good in that one!


Sarah is a really good pretender. And she loves shoes. its pretty much what shes famous for. She has some lovely pairs too. We like shoes too so we've couple of things in common. Or should we say a pair of things in common! lolz



She's well nice! She always says nice things about us.

Astirid says she is well good at keeping secrets but we are not sure cos we didn't tell anyone else about the time we accidentally got locked in our bedroom for two days before anyone came looking for us - and somehow everyone knows. Nothing happened!



This is Victoire - she is lovely! And she is from Canadia, but she speaks French - which doesn't really make sense. 'cos Canadia is in America isn't it and they speak English here - well, sort of.


Anyway, she is nice to us and she likes the stuff we do. We make her laugh and that and she talks to us in French. We like it  but sometimes it makes our heads hurt 'cos we have to concentrate really hard!

We've got so many friends at PUFTA - there are lots of students and staff and that 'cos it is a well good school and everyone who is anyone wants to go there to be a PUFTA kid! There are almost too many to mention but we like taking pictures of 'em when no one is looking - here they are.....

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